Chat Bots

Top Nightbot Commands

Nightbot is the most widely used chatbot across all of Twitch for its simplicity and reliability!

Before trying to add commands, make sure Nightbot is paired to your channel at

One of our jobs at Stream Builds is to help guide streamers in the right direction on how to add useful and funny chat commands. Below is a list of our favorite commands!

This list includes the Command Function, the Command Message, and the Command Response.

**To ADD/EDIT/DELETE commands visit Nightbot’s Help Document for Commands at

**For all other help on how to develop custom commands, visit Nightbot’s Full Help Document at





$(touser) has been on Twitch for $(urlfetch$(touser))

“User” has been on Twitch for X years, X months


$(djkhaled) – DJ Khaled

{Random Advice by DJ Khaled} – DJ Khaled


/me is pretend banning $(touser). It’s not real, but it makes $(user) feel better.

Nightbot is pretend banning “User”. It’s not real, but it makes “Sender” feel better.


$(touser) $(eval const responses = [‘is NOT a bot!’, ‘is a bot!’]; responses[Math.floor(Math.random() * responses.length)];)

“User” is NOT a bot!


*Needs to be adjusted every year

There are $(countdown dec 25 2019 12:00:00 AM EST) till Christmas!! ?

There are X days X minutes X seconds till Christmas!! ?


$(eval Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) == 0 ? “Heads” : “Tails”)

Heads or Tails



“User” has been following “Channel” for X year, X months, x weeks, X days, X hours, X minutes, X seconds


$(twitch $(channel) “{{displayName}} has {{followers}} followers!”)

“Channel” has X followers!


Thanks to all the users currently hosting: $(urlfetch$(channel)?implode)

Thanks to all the users currently hosting: “Host1”, “Host2”, “Host3″…


$(touser), on a scale of 1 to 10, you’re like a $(eval Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1))

“User”, on a scale of 1 to 10, you’re like a X


$(touser), $(urlfetch

“User”, {Random Insult}


/me $(touser) is now lurking! <3

“User” is now lurking! <3


*Works with all basic math functions

The answer is: $(urlfetch$(querystring))

The answer is: X


*Utilizes a website designed to post multiple messages into your chat. Posts a message every 5 seconds.


!rps <Rock, Paper, Scissors>

*Type your choice of object after the command.


“User”, Are you going to shoot or what? I can’t play ⛰?✂️ by myself…


*Suicide Hotline

If you are having suicidal thoughts, please call this number right now. 1-800-273-8255

If you are having suicidal thoughts, please call this number right now. 1-800-273-8255


Current items in the Fortnite Item Shop:

Current items in the Fortnite Shop:


*Shoutout Command

Be sure to follow $(touser)! They were recently playing $(twitch game $(touser)) at$(touser)

Be sure to follow “User”! They were recently playing “Game” at”User”


*Requires authentication by broadcaster at first use.

$(touser) has been subbed for $(urlfetch$(channel)/$(touser))

“User” has been subbed for X years, X months


There are $(eval ($(twitch subcount)) – 1) current subscribers.

There are X current subscribers.


/me $(touser) is like $(urlfetch SUS…

“User” is X% SUS! NotLikeThis


Stream uptime: $(twitch $(channel) “{{uptimeLength}}”)

Stream uptime: X hours, X minutes, X seconds


$(twitch $(channel) “{{displayName}} has {{viewers}} viewers”)

“Channel” has X viewers

If any of these commands fail to function, please message us at and select the topic “Website Error” and describe which command is failing and what the response is in the chat.